A great deal of content has been produced for free online at r/Zarathustra.
We have been working line-by-line through one of the most difficult and profound books in the history of Western Philosophy. Through group discussions and lecture notes, we attempt to decode the meaning of this work.
In order to accomplish this, we have been expanding our content out to the rest of Western Thought.
The purpose of this community is to keep that project going.
Anyone who subscribes for a year should have a better understanding of the history of western philosophy than most any student with an undergraduate degree from a university.
The goal is to provide graduate-level philosophical discussions for as little cost as possible.
Community Guidelines
Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:
- Be as respectful or disrespectful as you like to the author of this community.
- Be respectful to one another, if you can manage that.
- Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
- No pornography
- Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
- Relax, be yourself, and enjoy